She said to me, "ka may ang daigdig unahan ng ka. ako makita paano ka ay tapos, velasang ko. mo pagayan hanapbuhay maibigan at matigas panguluhan mo. mo a tunay maganda batang babae. dont maari takot sa gumamit ay sinusulat maganda." It means, "you have the world ahead of you. I see how you are already, my dearest. You're so business like and hard headed. Youre a very beautiful girl. Dont be afraid to use being beautiful." A wonderous woman has just entered my life. Before I met her, I used to have my coworkers mentioning her asking me if I've met her yet. The first day I met her the thing that caught my eye was her Louis Vuitton purse. Then the second day I met her it was her Ferragamo sunglasses and 2 ply cashmere scarf from Greece when she was checking in. I've worked with her many times after that and when I've worked with her she had answered any questions I've had and short conversations were given while she walked past the office. There was something mysterious about her that I loved. And maybe its because I love mysterious women and that I tend to follow that trend, I let the relationship be. I never pried into her life that everyone hinted about and treated her as a regular coworker of mine. We did our office work and did the polite business talks. From this, I believe she was amused and went on with it as well while we were laughing openly with our other coworkers. Two weeks ago they put me closely training with her. And slowly, I got to know this amazing woman. And today, I was lucky enough to sip a cup of coffee with her at the concierge while she let me into her life.
Im going to pass the sad hardship story because everyone has one, and my purpose is to not make this entry a drama episode where the heroine tries to find her way in life, falls in love, goes through a tragedy, then lives a realistic happily ever after in the end. Or something along those four main scenes. She has a house in Palo Alto right behind the Stanford shopping center. She showed me her house online and its worth $1,800,000. It has a tennis court, encloses 3 stories, a dog, and looks something along the lines of a brick castle. Now, I know a lot of people with nice houses and nice cars and nice things. But never has a single woman with two teenage boys attending St Francis who works for fun and just to stay busy has 2 care homes (one in Arizona and one in Hillsborough) who can teach me stocks and flips and how to save and has an awesome fashion sense and is a golden donor to the Samaritan House of San Mateo sit me down and tell me that she sees something in me.
What a wonderful feeling to hear this person who has just amazed you with her life amenities tell you with confidence that you are going to do great things. I heard the finish school. Work hard. Then she smiled and told me how she sees how I am and how that was her at my age. How I'm destined for great things if I keep at it and to not listen to advice that will just confuse me and tug me on different paths. She told me that being a lady is not a disadvantage because if you use it right it becomes an advantage. She told me to use my beauty to get what I target and use your head. Because your beauty will flow from your head. We talked about books and politics and handbags and stocks and real estate. She told me about the property and how to handle different guests. We went online shopping on ELuxury.com and gushed over new designer bags and I helped her assist the concierge on the 11th floor.
I wondered why I was so amazed by this woman when I have successful group that is headed in her direction. Then I came to the conclusion that all this time that I want to be like her. I want that. Everything she has, that has been my aim. And she's achieved everything that I'm after. And I'm flabberghasted how she told me I remind her of myself at my age. "Ako was makataungun maibigan ka." "I was just like you." I'm watching her closely. Every advice she gives me I'm going to do. I believe every person you meet comes into your life for a reason. Let's just say I know Melite's purpose. I just landed a new role model.