It felt warmsome as Jimson, Linda, Aries, and I walked to King Street and towards the ball park. Hellos started our way and hi's followed as we made our way through the crowd. We must have stopped every 5 feet to greet another friend, someone we havent seen in awhile, or in Jimson and Aries' case, a fan. We shook numerous hands, met new people as friends of friends, and promised get togethers left and right to friends weve lost in touch with when we bumped into them. How are you's echoed through our speeches as we walked tried to walk through the orange and black crowd to get our tshirts on the third level and cell phones rang of where are yous began to more friends already in the stadium. And it was only the 3rd inning.
Thats the thing about San Francisco. It's a big but small city. Everyone knows each other. And if an event goes down, the community comes through. We were celebrating Filipino Heritage Day while the Giants entertained us against a game with the Houston Astros. I'm very blessed to be part of a society who is culturally aware of our differences and prides itself in representing it. I am blessed to be part of a city where one can be open with another about ones culture and the recipient yearns to learn more about it. It is an HONOR to belong to somewhere where we are not culturally divided and we respect each others differences and prides oneself it in. I'm one of the lucky ones to have friends so diverse as they are and so involved in the city and so much driven as well. I represent a mass people, who live different lives, intertwine them with others, and stand culturally aware without the prejudices you'd see elsewhere. It is an honor to represent San Francisco.
1 comment:
days like this makes me miss so. cal so much. who knows, after nursing school i may even move back. who knows what the future has in store for us.
miss you much cousin!
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