If anyone were to ask me what you meant to me, I think I wouldn't have the words to describe it. What you meant to all of us. But I wanted to tell you.................................................
When Mr. Swan paired you up with me as my leadership mentor in high school, he must have been on to something. Because can I just please tell you that you have made me into the best leader I could have possibly imagined I would be. When we all messed around at auditions and I didn't want to get in trouble with all of you, you used to tell me, its ok, because we're gonna get call backs anyways so don't trip. And then the next day we would get callbacks, then the role, then rehearsals, then dancing and messing around in the band room with everyone. Practicing songs. And dances. Then our own songs. And our own dances. And you would always make me laugh so hard. You made the whole room laugh. And thats an example of how you were always right. So right. And we'd have another leadership retreat and we'd always have the coolest ideas and the coolest project out of everyone. And look, we even had dopest outcome. And it is an honor to call you my mentor and by big brother. And I hate writing you this because I wish I could have told you all this in person before you left me. I would have told you more how you made me in to so much more of a better person. And how I would have told you how I think you've done that to everyone you came across. And you made everyone feel important like Annie said. Because I know we were all important to you. You used to tell me that in high school over and over again. And when I came back from going away, and I saw you again and you grabbed me and lifted me up in one of your infamous hugs and you told me I cant believe you and you told me thank you for coming home and kept on saying my name and I just laughed at you and we squeezed each other so hard I almost couldn't breathe. I never got to thank you for not forgetting about me when I was away and how much it meant to me for you to check up on me still. We were supposed to go finish recording that song. And we were supposed to go out with all of our musical friends for drinks remember? And I promised you I'd buy you another drink, but you wouldn't drink it by yourself because you said you'd only let me buy you a drink if I had another one too. So you were waiting for me to get sober. And I didn't that night, so I promised you next time. And you said no next time, we're starting all over again. Thank you for everything you have made me, done for me, done with me. If I would have known God was going to take away my Hero, I would have let you known that was what you were to me. And I'm mad at you for not telling me yourself you were going. Because I just saw you the other day and you said you were gonna come by and see the baby and then we were going to go out for drinks together. And we never got too. I'm just waiting for you to hug me and tell me its ok, and hey if i want a drink and then come on lets go dance. I'm waiting for you to bust out in song so that I could join you and we would talk about what we would do in this world. I am soooo waiting for that hug of yours, you have no idea. and if you tell me all of us down here are going to be okay without you then ok fine we'll be ok. Because you were always right. Thank you thank you thank you a million times over for being everything you were to me and so much more. My big brother in every way possible, one of my best friends dear to my heart, my mentor to the fullest you've shaped me, and my hero because you're everything I could ever hope to be. "Stay Fly" I love you so much, Eric.

Mama Culp picked a perfect song.
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